September 23, 2024
The Cloud Security Confidence Gap: What Leaders Need to Know

In this increasingly cloud-first world, data protection is more important than ever. With so many organizations relying on cloud applications to get work done, keeping sensitive information secure is a top priority. But balancing convenient access with strong security measures is no easy feat. In fact, only a small fraction of security leaders feel truly confident in their current data security measures.
Lookout recently surveyed 100 executives to get their take on data security in the cloud. The eye-opening results reveal everything from organizations’ top cybersecurity priorities to the most common concerns.
In today’s blog, we’ll preview some of the survey’s key findings. To learn more about the challenge of data protection in a cloud-first environment, check out the full report, Data Protection in a Cloud-First World.
The current state of cloud data security
Our survey found that tools like single sign-on (SSO), virtual private networks (VPN), and data loss prevention (DLP) solutions form the backbone of many organizations’ cybersecurity strategies.
Despite this bevy of tools, only 12% of security leaders feel fully confident in their existing security measures. That’s a pretty alarming statistic, underscoring how challenging it is to effectively secure data in the cloud.
So what’s going on? It may be that the most commonly used tools don’t do enough to address the complexities of data protection in the cloud.
Take VPNs: 77% of survey respondents reported using them to protect access and data. But VPNs were designed to prioritize access over security, and they lack the granular controls needed to protect data in cloud environments.
To close the cloud security confidence gap and truly protect data in the cloud, organizations may need to rethink the tools in their toolbox.
Embracing new solutions for better protection
The challenge of data security in the cloud is not going away any time soon — a startling 33% of the leaders we surveyed reported experiencing data leakage through cloud apps. And data leakage is not the only problem, with cybercriminals continually finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and target cloud environments. As threats evolve, 41% of organizations are now prioritizing detecting and mitigating cyber threats.
Compliance also remains at the top of mind, with 28% of organizations citing meeting privacy and compliance demands as one of their top priorities. Meeting the demands of regulations like GDPR and CCPA is critical for maintaining customer trust and staying on the right side of the law.
To achieve these priorities, organizations can’t stick with the status quo when it comes to cybersecurity. Traditional security solutions simply can’t keep pace with the speed and complexity of modern threats — and this is something many organizations are beginning to recognize. Over half of the participants in our survey said they would be willing to switch to a new cloud security vendor for better protection against data loss or advanced internet attacks.
In an ever-changing cloud landscape, enhancing threat detection, ensuring compliance, and exploring new technologies are all crucial for protecting sensitive data in the cloud.
Enhance your security posture
As organizations navigate the complexities of cloud data security, it's evident that traditional solutions may no longer be sufficient. With evolving threats and the substantial risk of data leakage, finding the right technology is crucial for staying ahead and strengthening your security posture.
To effectively protect your sensitive information, it's important to reassess your current security measures and explore more robust solutions. For a deeper dive into these issues and to discover how you can better protect your data, check out our full report, Data Protection in a Cloud-First World. Take this opportunity to ensure your organization is prepared to meet today’s security demands.

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Data Protection in a Cloud-First World
Balancing seamless access with data security is critical — but only a fraction of security leaders are fully confident in their solutions.