Data Security Best Practices: 7 Tips to Crush Bad Actors

Learn about data security best practices and how to secure your data from bad actors with seven simple techniques.

Understanding Data Exfiltration Prevention

Discover common data theft techniques and learn data exfiltration prevention strategies to combat them in our guide.

How to Stop Data Leaks in Their Tracks

Keep your organization’s sensitive data protected against cyber attacks by learning how to prevent data leaks and fix their most common causes.

Credential Theft Protection: Defending Your Organization's Data

Credential theft is one of the most common ways for threat actors to get into your systems. Learn what it is and how to protect against it.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise Data Protection Solutions

Staying ahead of bad actors requires taking a comprehensive view of data security, integrity, and availability.

Five Steps Towards Building a Better Data Security Strategy

A unified edge security platform can give you the visibility and control you need to create a modern and efficient architecture for protecting users, applications and data.

A New Approach to Data Security for the New Year

Going into 2023, your organization should be laser-focused on identity and data, and the technologies that secure these elements will have to evolve.

From Access-Centric Security to Data-Centric Security

With millions of cloud apps, why would we want to use the same access-centric security approach for today's infrastructure that we used in the nineties?

Lookout Helps Leading Fintech Company Improve Data Security and Compliance

See how Lookout helped a leading FinTech provider protect customer data and reach security compliance using Secure Cloud Access with DLP.

Improving Data Security for SaaS Apps | CASB

Today’s security practitioners need practical guidelines and technical capabilities that support their expanding SaaS usage.

Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024: Emerging Threats and Best Practices

Watch this webinar where our experts will share insights into the latest cybersecurity trends and how they could impact your organization in 2024.

Data Protection Shouldn't Stop at IT: Why Everyone is on the Hook

Is your data at risk? In the new hybrid world of work, data is in constant motion—moving between countless devices, apps, and users.

Where in the World is Your Data? The Blind Spots Most Organizations Don't Know About

Data is now more valuable than ever. But many organizations don't have a full grasp of what data they actually have, where it’s stored, or who has access to it.

How APT 41 Is Using Mobile Devices to Target Your Organization

Join us for this exclusive partner security briefing for a breakdown of these threats and to see why they are now targeting mobile devices.

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